Awakening - Day 17

Pray for Workers in the Harvest

God's Word for Today
Read Matthew 9:35-38

Thoughts for Today
When Jesus "saw the crowds, He felt compassion for them", vs 36. The closer you get to Jesus and the more time you spend with Him, the more your heart will begin to beat with love for those He loves.

Think about the crowds Jesus may have seen in Israel 2000 years ago. How large were they? Five, ten, or twenty thousand? Maybe more? Now think about the crowds you have seen live, in books or magazines, on television, or in the movies. Have you seen some of those crowds with hundreds of thousands of people? Have you seen crowds in the cities where masses of people go by continually? In our world, the number of people in the spiritual harvest field are multiplying rapidly. Who will tell them the good news? Who will go? Who will have the privilege of reaping the spiritual harvest among them?

When Jesus saw the crowds of His day, He asked His disciples to pray for workers in the harvest
fields. If you still have your Bible open to Matthew, take a look at chapter 10. Just after the disciples prayed for workers, Jesus told them to go into the towns and cities to preach the good news about His kingdom.

Today, keep your eyes open to see the crowds around you, in newspapers or magazines, or on the Internet or television. When you see a crowd, pray that God will call and send out workers to that harvest field.

It's Time to Pray
1. Pray for the workers who are already working to bring in a spiritual harvest. Pray for their
protection, wisdom, spiritual and physical health, and fruitfulness. Pray that God will call and send workers. Pray that He will call some from your church and even from your family.
2. Give God permission to call and direct you to work in the harvest. Ask God what He wants you to do today to apply what He has revealed. What actions will you take?
3. Pray today by name for one person or even for a crowd of people who have yet to believe in
Christ as Savior.

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