Awakening - Day 21
The Coming Harvest
God's Word for Today
Read John 4:27-38 and Acts 1:8
Thoughts for Today
If you have been fasting from food in order to seek the Lord in prayer for revival and awakening, you can identify with Jesus. The disciples were trying to get Him to eat, but He was preparing to reap a spiritual Harvest of a city. His food was to obey the will of His father. Sometimes a spiritual purpose will be far more important to us than taking time to eat.
Jesus' disciples were surprised when they found Him speaking to the woman. A Jewish man would not be caught in public talking to a Samaritan woman, especially a divorcee with five ex-husbands. What was He doing? The disciples may have expected a spiritual harvest when Jesus established His kingdom. Jesus essentially said, " Why wait? It's harvest time now!" Let's hear His words for us. We could be saying something like this:
● Maybe awakening will come when all the churches experience revival.
● We can't experience a harvest when the lost world is so cold and hardened.
● He's delayed 2,000 years to come back. We don't have to rush now.
● We have tried before (fished all night). This isn't a good time.
One day, Peter and his partners had been fishing all night. But Jesus told them to go into the deep water and drop their nets. They reluctantly obeyed and caught so many fish they nearly sank two boats! "When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' feet and said, go away from me, because I'm a simple man, Lord!" (Luke 5:8). That's the day Jesus called him to fish for men. Did you notice the great harvest of fish came before Peter confessed his sins? Sometimes God's kindness brings repentance (Romans 2:4).
The harvest is the Lord's work. He has chosen us to be workers together with Him in this great task. He is bringing in a harvest in many places around the world. He is fully able to do that where we live also. Let's pay attention to His final statement of His final command to us and be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. Jesus would say to us, "open your eyes and look at the fields, for they are ready for harvest" (John 4:35).
It's Time to Pray
1. Pledge your willingness to obey God, and ask Him to bring in a great harvest for His glory.
Continue to pray for workers for the harvest.
2. Ask God what He wants you to do today to apply what He has revealed.
God's Word for Today
Read John 4:27-38 and Acts 1:8
Thoughts for Today
If you have been fasting from food in order to seek the Lord in prayer for revival and awakening, you can identify with Jesus. The disciples were trying to get Him to eat, but He was preparing to reap a spiritual Harvest of a city. His food was to obey the will of His father. Sometimes a spiritual purpose will be far more important to us than taking time to eat.
Jesus' disciples were surprised when they found Him speaking to the woman. A Jewish man would not be caught in public talking to a Samaritan woman, especially a divorcee with five ex-husbands. What was He doing? The disciples may have expected a spiritual harvest when Jesus established His kingdom. Jesus essentially said, " Why wait? It's harvest time now!" Let's hear His words for us. We could be saying something like this:
● Maybe awakening will come when all the churches experience revival.
● We can't experience a harvest when the lost world is so cold and hardened.
● He's delayed 2,000 years to come back. We don't have to rush now.
● We have tried before (fished all night). This isn't a good time.
One day, Peter and his partners had been fishing all night. But Jesus told them to go into the deep water and drop their nets. They reluctantly obeyed and caught so many fish they nearly sank two boats! "When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' feet and said, go away from me, because I'm a simple man, Lord!" (Luke 5:8). That's the day Jesus called him to fish for men. Did you notice the great harvest of fish came before Peter confessed his sins? Sometimes God's kindness brings repentance (Romans 2:4).
The harvest is the Lord's work. He has chosen us to be workers together with Him in this great task. He is bringing in a harvest in many places around the world. He is fully able to do that where we live also. Let's pay attention to His final statement of His final command to us and be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. Jesus would say to us, "open your eyes and look at the fields, for they are ready for harvest" (John 4:35).
It's Time to Pray
1. Pledge your willingness to obey God, and ask Him to bring in a great harvest for His glory.
Continue to pray for workers for the harvest.
2. Ask God what He wants you to do today to apply what He has revealed.
Awakening - Day 1Awakening - Day 2Awakening - Day 3Awakening - Day 4Awakening - Day 5Awakening - Day 6Awakening - Day 7Awakening - Day 8Awakening - Day 9Awakening - Day 10Awakening - Day 11Awakening - Day 12Awakening - Day 13Awakening - Day 14Awakening - Day 15Awakening - Day 16Awakening - Day 17Awakening - Day 18Awakening - Day 19Awakening - Day 20Awakening - Day 21
1 Comment
150 countries. 80,000 students.
The LECTURES ON " THE HOLY SPIRIT" and on "SPIRITUAL WARFARE" are so informative and repeatedly referenced to BIBLE VERSES.
Thanks be to Jesus for such opportunity.