Awakening - Day 20
A Testimony for Your Town
God's Word for Today
Read John 4:28-30, 39-42 (or the passage John 4:1-42)
Thoughts for Today
This story about Jesus and His encounter with the woman at the well is a powerful story of the
change Jesus can make in a community in a very short period of time. Think about this woman. How long had she known Jesus before she began to tell her whole town about Him? What training had she received? This woman got a taste of living water and her life was changed. The living water bubbled up out of her life and became evident to those who heard her story. Like Andrew and Phillip (Day 14), she immediately had to go tell others and bring them to meet Jesus for themselves. When many in the town believed in Jesus Christ, they had an experience of their own, not just the words of another.
Yesterday, we asked you to reflect on your story. What have you experienced in your encounter with Jesus Christ that has changed your life? What is your testimony? Today, we want you to think about your city. Who are the people who need to hear your testimony?
It's Time to Pray
1. Ask God to reveal the people in your city who may already be prepared to respond when they hear your story. Would they be people in your home, neighborhood, school, workplace, or gym? Ask God for the boldness to share your story with your city. Make a list of the people God places on your mind and heart.
2. Ask God what He wants you to do today to apply what He has revealed. What actions will you
3. Pray today by name for a person who has yet to believe in Christ as Savior.
God's Word for Today
Read John 4:28-30, 39-42 (or the passage John 4:1-42)
Thoughts for Today
This story about Jesus and His encounter with the woman at the well is a powerful story of the
change Jesus can make in a community in a very short period of time. Think about this woman. How long had she known Jesus before she began to tell her whole town about Him? What training had she received? This woman got a taste of living water and her life was changed. The living water bubbled up out of her life and became evident to those who heard her story. Like Andrew and Phillip (Day 14), she immediately had to go tell others and bring them to meet Jesus for themselves. When many in the town believed in Jesus Christ, they had an experience of their own, not just the words of another.
Yesterday, we asked you to reflect on your story. What have you experienced in your encounter with Jesus Christ that has changed your life? What is your testimony? Today, we want you to think about your city. Who are the people who need to hear your testimony?
It's Time to Pray
1. Ask God to reveal the people in your city who may already be prepared to respond when they hear your story. Would they be people in your home, neighborhood, school, workplace, or gym? Ask God for the boldness to share your story with your city. Make a list of the people God places on your mind and heart.
2. Ask God what He wants you to do today to apply what He has revealed. What actions will you
3. Pray today by name for a person who has yet to believe in Christ as Savior.
Awakening - Day 1Awakening - Day 2Awakening - Day 3Awakening - Day 4Awakening - Day 5Awakening - Day 6Awakening - Day 7Awakening - Day 8Awakening - Day 9Awakening - Day 10Awakening - Day 11Awakening - Day 12Awakening - Day 13Awakening - Day 14Awakening - Day 15Awakening - Day 16Awakening - Day 17Awakening - Day 18Awakening - Day 19Awakening - Day 20Awakening - Day 21
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