Awakening - Day 18
Jesus' Final Command
God's Word for Today
Read Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47-48; John 20:21-22; and Acts 1:8
Thoughts for Today
Final words of famous people are long remembered and often quoted. When a person knows he is on his deathbed, he might even prepare a final statement of challenge to family and friends. Final words can have great significance for the next generation.
Jesus Christ came to provide salvation for all mankind. Following His death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days giving His disciples their final instructions to guide the church until His second coming. Not many of those words were recorded in the Scripture for us to read. But some were recorded, and they were perhaps His most important last words.
Just before Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave one final command to His disciples. He didn't
want His disciples to miss the most important commission for the church. The future of His kingdom would depend on their obedience. Each of the Gospel writers records a variation of this command indicating that Jesus gave special attention to it during His final days on earth. You read those in the Scriptures above.
How faithful have you been to obey Christ's final command? Are you making disciples as you go
about your daily living? Have you preached the good news? Are you talking with others about
repentance and forgiveness that is available through Jesus Christ? Since Jesus was sent to seek
and save the lost, are you seeking to point lost people to Him for salvation?
It's Time to Pray
1. Talk to God about the status of your obedience to Christ's final command. If your obedience is lacking, confess your sin. Ask Him to guide and enable your obedience.
2. Ask God what He wants you to do today to apply what he has revealed. What actions will you
3. Pray today by name for a person who has yet to believe in Christ as Savior.
God's Word for Today
Read Matthew 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47-48; John 20:21-22; and Acts 1:8
Thoughts for Today
Final words of famous people are long remembered and often quoted. When a person knows he is on his deathbed, he might even prepare a final statement of challenge to family and friends. Final words can have great significance for the next generation.
Jesus Christ came to provide salvation for all mankind. Following His death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days giving His disciples their final instructions to guide the church until His second coming. Not many of those words were recorded in the Scripture for us to read. But some were recorded, and they were perhaps His most important last words.
Just before Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave one final command to His disciples. He didn't
want His disciples to miss the most important commission for the church. The future of His kingdom would depend on their obedience. Each of the Gospel writers records a variation of this command indicating that Jesus gave special attention to it during His final days on earth. You read those in the Scriptures above.
How faithful have you been to obey Christ's final command? Are you making disciples as you go
about your daily living? Have you preached the good news? Are you talking with others about
repentance and forgiveness that is available through Jesus Christ? Since Jesus was sent to seek
and save the lost, are you seeking to point lost people to Him for salvation?
It's Time to Pray
1. Talk to God about the status of your obedience to Christ's final command. If your obedience is lacking, confess your sin. Ask Him to guide and enable your obedience.
2. Ask God what He wants you to do today to apply what he has revealed. What actions will you
3. Pray today by name for a person who has yet to believe in Christ as Savior.
Awakening - Day 1Awakening - Day 2Awakening - Day 3Awakening - Day 4Awakening - Day 5Awakening - Day 6Awakening - Day 7Awakening - Day 8Awakening - Day 9Awakening - Day 10Awakening - Day 11Awakening - Day 12Awakening - Day 13Awakening - Day 14Awakening - Day 15Awakening - Day 16Awakening - Day 17Awakening - Day 18Awakening - Day 19Awakening - Day 20Awakening - Day 21
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