Awakening - Day 8
Be Filled with the Spirit
God's Word for Today
Read Luke 24:45-49, Acts 1:4-8, and Ephesians 5:18
Thoughts for Today
Before Jesus return to His throne in heaven, He told His followers to wait for the filling of the Holy Spirit. That filling occurred 40 days later on the Day of Pentecost. However, we also need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers our witness for Christ.
You can present yourself to the Lord for filling in one of two conditions. Imagine I'm holding in my hands two clear plastic containers. One is filled with dirt, rocks, and other things. The other container is clean and empty. Those containers represent the two conditions you can present to the Lord for filling.
The container filled with stuff represents a life filled with selfish desires, impure thoughts and deeds, sinful behaviors, broken relationships, and "idols of the heart" the distract you from your first love. When you bring a life like that to the Lord for filling, He says, "I'm sorry but I cannot feel and use a life like that."
The empty container represents a life that has been cleansed from sin and has learned to walk in victory over sin (see Rom 6). It has reconciled broken relationships, put away idols of the heart, and been cleansed from impure thoughts. Self has been denied, crucified with Christ. When you bring a life like that to the Lord for filling, he says, "I've been looking for you!" Scripture says, "The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to show Himself strong for those whose hearts are completely His" (2 Chron. 16:9). A life emptied of all that junk can be filled by His Holy Spirit, and that's where spiritual power comes from.
It's Time to Pray
1. Think about the two containers described. Ask the Lord which one best represents your life. If it is the first container, ask God to cleanse you and guide you to prepare your life to receive His fullness. If it is the second container, humbly present yourself fully to Christ for filling.
2. Ask God what He wants you to do today to apply what has been revealed. What actions will you take?
3. Pray today by name for a person who has yet to believe in Christ as Savior.
God's Word for Today
Read Luke 24:45-49, Acts 1:4-8, and Ephesians 5:18
Thoughts for Today
Before Jesus return to His throne in heaven, He told His followers to wait for the filling of the Holy Spirit. That filling occurred 40 days later on the Day of Pentecost. However, we also need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit empowers our witness for Christ.
You can present yourself to the Lord for filling in one of two conditions. Imagine I'm holding in my hands two clear plastic containers. One is filled with dirt, rocks, and other things. The other container is clean and empty. Those containers represent the two conditions you can present to the Lord for filling.
The container filled with stuff represents a life filled with selfish desires, impure thoughts and deeds, sinful behaviors, broken relationships, and "idols of the heart" the distract you from your first love. When you bring a life like that to the Lord for filling, He says, "I'm sorry but I cannot feel and use a life like that."
The empty container represents a life that has been cleansed from sin and has learned to walk in victory over sin (see Rom 6). It has reconciled broken relationships, put away idols of the heart, and been cleansed from impure thoughts. Self has been denied, crucified with Christ. When you bring a life like that to the Lord for filling, he says, "I've been looking for you!" Scripture says, "The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to show Himself strong for those whose hearts are completely His" (2 Chron. 16:9). A life emptied of all that junk can be filled by His Holy Spirit, and that's where spiritual power comes from.
It's Time to Pray
1. Think about the two containers described. Ask the Lord which one best represents your life. If it is the first container, ask God to cleanse you and guide you to prepare your life to receive His fullness. If it is the second container, humbly present yourself fully to Christ for filling.
2. Ask God what He wants you to do today to apply what has been revealed. What actions will you take?
3. Pray today by name for a person who has yet to believe in Christ as Savior.
Awakening - Day 1Awakening - Day 2Awakening - Day 3Awakening - Day 4Awakening - Day 5Awakening - Day 6Awakening - Day 7Awakening - Day 8Awakening - Day 9Awakening - Day 10Awakening - Day 11Awakening - Day 12Awakening - Day 13Awakening - Day 14Awakening - Day 15Awakening - Day 16Awakening - Day 17Awakening - Day 18Awakening - Day 19Awakening - Day 20Awakening - Day 21
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